Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012

bluh. backin baltimore. tired. lots of schooners. gonna see if i can get me a job on one next season. lots of e-mails to write. sleep/food/shower.

Friday, October 19, 2012

back on dry land, after moving the farewell from portsmouth to baltimmore. took 4 days, got boxed in on day 2, sat at anchor for 37 hours. mostly motored up the bay, bu got some very nice sailing in on day 4. now i'm headed for caimbridge down rigging. i'm going to nose around for other boats while i'm there. i'll be in d.c. monday morning to catch the bus back to hampton. long past few weeks.

Friday, October 12, 2012

when things change they change damn fast. i'm just outside baltimore for the great chesapeake bay schooner race. i'm not racing, but i did take part in the opening event sails, aboard the schooner farewell. i'm getting ready to truck it down to portsmouth to meet farewell, then on monday i'll be bringing her back north. i'll be damned, but i'm going sailing!! while up here, i got to spend some time with a friend of mine, we went out and celebrated her good friend's birthday. lots of singing, and more than a few shots. good times had by all. i'll be a bit quicker with the next update, so i can tell you all about the return trip.