Saturday, December 29, 2012

and thus, i have quit southern virginia for the foresee-able future. i'm in charolettsville for a bit before i head to new jersey. high hopes.

Friday, December 21, 2012

i got the job. i'm to be in new jersey by the 8th. it should take me a week to ride up there. i need to get a few things in order before i go. headed into norfolk tomorrow.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Developments: I just got off the phone with two different boats regarding possible employment for 2013. things sound good, and i may be in for a change of scenery soon. in other news go watch the hobbit.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

i'm back from key west. pretty spiffy time. now to rewrite my resume.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

thanksgiving time! at my brother's with mah mother, gonna make turkey and eat pie. been working for the last 9 days straight. makin the skating rink for air and space. i'll be workin it, rentin skates to folks too. come see me an make a fool of yourselves.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012

bluh. backin baltimore. tired. lots of schooners. gonna see if i can get me a job on one next season. lots of e-mails to write. sleep/food/shower.

Friday, October 19, 2012

back on dry land, after moving the farewell from portsmouth to baltimmore. took 4 days, got boxed in on day 2, sat at anchor for 37 hours. mostly motored up the bay, bu got some very nice sailing in on day 4. now i'm headed for caimbridge down rigging. i'm going to nose around for other boats while i'm there. i'll be in d.c. monday morning to catch the bus back to hampton. long past few weeks.

Friday, October 12, 2012

when things change they change damn fast. i'm just outside baltimore for the great chesapeake bay schooner race. i'm not racing, but i did take part in the opening event sails, aboard the schooner farewell. i'm getting ready to truck it down to portsmouth to meet farewell, then on monday i'll be bringing her back north. i'll be damned, but i'm going sailing!! while up here, i got to spend some time with a friend of mine, we went out and celebrated her good friend's birthday. lots of singing, and more than a few shots. good times had by all. i'll be a bit quicker with the next update, so i can tell you all about the return trip.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

ok. details: biked to richmond and back, about a month ago now. 144.4 miles round trip, in 48 hours. total riding time was probably 18 hours. spent the night in an abandoned factory, with some other folks that i ran into. good people. good trip. last weekend was marcus hook, fantastic event, with equally fantastic people. i look forward to seeing them again. work is progressing fairly steadily. household drama seems to have hit it's peak, and is abating. things look good.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

back in hampton, now. interesting night, to say the least. 144 miles in 2 days. i'm tired now. more details eventually.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

greetings from richmond! very eventful getting up here, but the laptop's battery is near dead so i'm keepin' it short. gonna go find a place to sleep now. maybe eat too.

Monday, August 6, 2012

so, stuff. i've got a cat now. went to bald head island, nice place but too rich for the likes of me. next is beaufort. i like that event. back in hampton on the 13th, and then i teach a forensics camp. after that, nothing. yet. might be something good coming. we'll see.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

july 4th update. happy 4th everyone. as of tomorrow, i'm a NASA VASC (virginia air and space) ERC (education resource center) educator. i've got my first class tomorrow, i'm teaching 4th and 5th graders about a history of fire, how we first made it and the differences between stone age andiron age fire making. so. more work for me, and possibly some teacher credentials down the road.

Friday, June 15, 2012

all right, i promised an update, and i shall deliver! the first weekend of this month was the hampton blackbeard festival, and it started off with a bang. friday night, during the ball, we were hit by a tornado. it leveled the camp, but thankfully there were no causalities from the pirate side of things. there are many people to thank for that, due to their quick actions. we set back up, and were open for the public by 2 pm the next day. and the the public did come. i'm not sure what the numbers totaled, but the vendors told me that they made as much as last year, and beer sales were better than last year. after that, i spent the next week cleaning up. my position as event set up for air and space lent me this dubious honor, and a golf cart. so it became the regular show with matt and adam. good times. after clean up, CSF had adam and i manning the customs hose for the lower james district the rest of the week. this stretch of time i spent working on a new hammock (it's still not done) and teaching boaters about revisionist history. we were lucky to have the wolf, meka II and pride of baltimore as backdrops for the week as well. great folks, they. at the end of last week, we made ready to head up to pohick bay in northern VA. adam did this by packing up the customs house and i by trying to amputate my index finger on my left hand. to each his own. it was not so bad a cut that solid first aid could not fix it, but after our arrival at pohick that night, i was treated further by a pair of stitches, lovingly administered by an equally lovely apothecary. while my wound kept me from invading the pool, (a pohick tradition) it did not keep me from the pleasure of the vigilant crewe's jolly boat. she is quite a fine craft and i must thank duncan again for hosting us. at the end of the weekend i returned to hampton, where life has returned to normal, or as normal as we get. i am well, i've received a second paycheque from air and space, and there are more opportunities on the horizon. i hope everyone is well, and i will see you soon.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Holy shit. Super busy, blackbeards, tornado, customs house, now pohick bay. Details later, still alive, stuff to do. Stuffff tooooo doooooooo....

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

alright, alright. i've been cooling my heels in hampton for a bit now. but no more! i leave for charlottesville on thursday, work weekend with the crewe of the archangel. moccasins maybe. gonna stop by hund's beforehand, make sure the bike's ready after the break in. stuff. anyone know someone in richmond? be cool to have a couch to crash on.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

1100$ and two weeks later, i have my bike back. yey. now i'm writing lesson plans for CSF, and getting back into shape so i can go visit mom next week. i'm planning for it to take 2-3 days, so i should be there mondayish. good times.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

ok, i'm back in hampton, pulled a muscle in my back, so that's slowing me down, but oh well. gonna try to get my bike tomorrow, then i'll be fully mobile. dig it.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

well, i'm feeling much better, and as a result, i'm in charlottesville helping mom move the contents of the churchland house. yaaaaaay. looks like i may have a small side job up here too, so that is a good thing. i'll be headed back down to hampton in a week or two. let me know if you fine folks out there need anything. hope you're all well.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

well, i am sick. very sick. this bites.  i've got too much to do to be sick. dammit.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

well i'm up in hampton for the easter weekend. hanging out with deb and adam and co., great to see 'em, happy to be here. i'm doing a little here and ther, but i'll be back in norfolk before long. got to go back down and build the bike, check in with mr. b and java jazz cafe, check out his indiegogo page, donate if you can. yeah. things going on, stuff happening. easter. that's about it. let me know if you guys need anything, ok?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

it has been three days since i left most everything behind. i am sleeping in a chair at night and trying to help open a shop by day. i paid the bike shop the last of my money, and i'll have to build the mighty steed before i go. i've been yelled at by a crazy Chinese lady because i'm helping her tenant try to make a living. i'm talking with more people than i ever have before, and working far less than i expected. it is strange, but good. there is a sense of right-ness to this endeavor. if all goes well i will be leaving here at the end of the week, bike built, places planned, shop ready, mind clear. i can do this.

you may wish to know how i got here. i had worked at the same place for the last 4 years, supporting my last relationship, slowly driving myself to a place of bitterness, anger and spite. i acted out. i pushed people away. i made her hate me, and i am solely responsible for that. i fucked up. so she left, and i made a decision to leave as well. leave everything and take myself on the adventure that will be the remainder of my life. we'll see if that was a good decision down the road, but i will never regret it. it's what i've done, it's what i have to do. regret won't help me.

the plan now is to go wherever people need help, and help them. no money thank you, but if i could sleep inside that would be nice. a meal would be cool too, if you think my help warrants it. i'm going to be taken advantage of. i'm going to receive help from people i don't know, and will never see again. i'm going to live as gratefully as i can, help everyone that asks for it, and ask for very little in return. i work because it is what life is; work. i help because that is what you do; help. we shall see how it goes.