Sunday, April 22, 2012

ok, i'm back in hampton, pulled a muscle in my back, so that's slowing me down, but oh well. gonna try to get my bike tomorrow, then i'll be fully mobile. dig it.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

well, i'm feeling much better, and as a result, i'm in charlottesville helping mom move the contents of the churchland house. yaaaaaay. looks like i may have a small side job up here too, so that is a good thing. i'll be headed back down to hampton in a week or two. let me know if you fine folks out there need anything. hope you're all well.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

well, i am sick. very sick. this bites.  i've got too much to do to be sick. dammit.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

well i'm up in hampton for the easter weekend. hanging out with deb and adam and co., great to see 'em, happy to be here. i'm doing a little here and ther, but i'll be back in norfolk before long. got to go back down and build the bike, check in with mr. b and java jazz cafe, check out his indiegogo page, donate if you can. yeah. things going on, stuff happening. easter. that's about it. let me know if you guys need anything, ok?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

it has been three days since i left most everything behind. i am sleeping in a chair at night and trying to help open a shop by day. i paid the bike shop the last of my money, and i'll have to build the mighty steed before i go. i've been yelled at by a crazy Chinese lady because i'm helping her tenant try to make a living. i'm talking with more people than i ever have before, and working far less than i expected. it is strange, but good. there is a sense of right-ness to this endeavor. if all goes well i will be leaving here at the end of the week, bike built, places planned, shop ready, mind clear. i can do this.

you may wish to know how i got here. i had worked at the same place for the last 4 years, supporting my last relationship, slowly driving myself to a place of bitterness, anger and spite. i acted out. i pushed people away. i made her hate me, and i am solely responsible for that. i fucked up. so she left, and i made a decision to leave as well. leave everything and take myself on the adventure that will be the remainder of my life. we'll see if that was a good decision down the road, but i will never regret it. it's what i've done, it's what i have to do. regret won't help me.

the plan now is to go wherever people need help, and help them. no money thank you, but if i could sleep inside that would be nice. a meal would be cool too, if you think my help warrants it. i'm going to be taken advantage of. i'm going to receive help from people i don't know, and will never see again. i'm going to live as gratefully as i can, help everyone that asks for it, and ask for very little in return. i work because it is what life is; work. i help because that is what you do; help. we shall see how it goes.