Friday, January 25, 2013

it's snowing. bluh. back in jersey, funeral was good. my cousins are old now. got back, got offered the job for deckhand, took it. i'm here 'till october. work progresses. deck looks doneish. got the lumber to finish the aft cabin today. bueno. gonna put plastic over the windows in the crew house now.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

i'm currently in charlottesville, waiting for jared to show up, so we can head to missouri for my grandmother's funeral. i took a bus from philly down to richmond, where mom picked me up, and the three of us will leave as soon as he shows up. tom better fucking be there. it's his mother, after all. i wish i had gone to see her and granddad last summer, like i planned to. too late, now. recap of everything when i get back.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

end of week 1. broke a window, worked in a kitchen for a few hours, got drunkish. washed the docks, tried to fix a leaking roof. took the bike into the boat. good ride. good roads. folks seem to think i'm suicidal though. the go into the oncoming lane to get away from me. got the next two days off. need to go do laundry. kishi bashi is excellent music, alternatively soothing and exciting. mucho dance-ablity.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

daaaaaaaaay 2. it's interesting here. currently i'm removing deck nails and replacing bungs (wooden plugs that cover the deck nails). food is expensive. cigarettes even more so. i won't be buying another pack while i'm here. i have my pipe to hold me over. i'm staying in the crew house, with steve and emily. good folks. hopefully i'l be riding my bike again soon, the roads here are fantastic, the drivers, not so much. there is literally no stop light, just a flashing yellow and red thing at the one intersection. it is cold here, but it doesn't bother me as much as usual. go figure.