Monday, September 30, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013

Back and forth, back and forth. Its like a never ending back and forth. Back in bivalve. Soon back to Philadelphia, then schooner race.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

All is well here. I'm in cape may. Life is moving quickly.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Beach haven. Nice town. Crap sailing, but you can't have everything. New phone, new lady, new experiences. All is well. Stories later.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

ok, so it looks like i've fallen to a once a month posting. sorry, guys. i'm currently in perth amboy. it's not the coolest place i've been to, that's certain. it was a 30 hour transit, most of it blue water. i was only seasick for my first watch, too. work through the puke, boys! once we set sail, i was right as rain, so all's well. i've been hanging out with the new interns a bit. they replaced the old interns who left before transit. cool folks. we've got another deckhand coming soon as well. so work should get easier. i'm the full time relief cook now, as well. still learning everything i can. i hope i'm asking the right questions.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

so, i suck. i've neglected this blog for quite a while. hmm. work continues at a brisk pace. we've returned to our home port of bivalve, we've done a few ed sails, and a great deal of maintenance. the boat is looking quite nice now, and hopefully every bunk is dry. i'm well, personally, learning new things everyday, and perfecting what i know as well. i wonder what tomorrow will be like....

Monday, April 15, 2013

greetings from philly! 12 hours up the delaware river, after 13 days of rigging and ed training. i've been working aloft a lot. very enjoyable. first ed sail is wednesday. south street is busy as fuck for a monday. maybe south street is always busy. i'm here in philly for 2 weeks then i got to bridgeton, i think. i'm tired but i want to go look at stuff. and wash clothes.

Monday, April 1, 2013

tomorrow the season starts. all the crew are here. boat rigging and ed training are orders of the day until we transit to philly.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

many good things folks. new computer, took second place at mta for costume, and more crew members have shown up. now i shall fry up catfish and potatoes, and drink beer. that is all.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

it's amazing how i fall into routine so quickly. adapt to survive, i suppose. i've got a new computer coming to me, picked up an external too. can't get the dam thing to work with my os, but i'll figure it out. mta is next week. i'm not sure i'm up for it. i'm not sure i'm up for very much at all right now. i've got a certain formless rage working right now. not good. don't even know what it's about. i'm going to have to put that shit aside and keep working. ain't got time for that shit. got work to do.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

oh man. things go fast. new housemate, more progress on board, another housemate coming mid-month, MTA at the same time... crazy-ness! all is well, i've got this shit, no worries. it can only get faster from here.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

and so time passes. my house mates have gone for the weekend, leaving me to my own devices. the quiet is welcome, and at times unnerving. i'm concerned, but i'm not sure about what. it's a looming sense of unease. i don't know what i'm doing here. that's not true, i know what i'm doing, but i'm just not certain i'm doing it well or correctly. directionless angst. i feel like a kid at times. it pisses me off. the wind is howling.

Monday, February 11, 2013

another week down, and the sailing season approaching. the storms that have buried points north have done little down here, much to my relief. it's still cold, though. work progresses on the boat. i'm not sitting up here doing nothing. not at work, anyway. life in the crew house is quiet. i don't get out except when my coworkers decide to go somewhere. too cold for bike riding, really. that will change soon. i'd like to spend sometime exploring what's around here. soon, i think.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

another week done, and into february. work on the boat is progressing. wood is going into the boat instead of out, and reefing out the deck caulking has started. i spend most of my time off reading. i'm tired a lot. it feels like i'm fighting depression, though what i have to be depressed about, i don't know. perhaps i'm lonely, who knows?

Friday, January 25, 2013

it's snowing. bluh. back in jersey, funeral was good. my cousins are old now. got back, got offered the job for deckhand, took it. i'm here 'till october. work progresses. deck looks doneish. got the lumber to finish the aft cabin today. bueno. gonna put plastic over the windows in the crew house now.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

i'm currently in charlottesville, waiting for jared to show up, so we can head to missouri for my grandmother's funeral. i took a bus from philly down to richmond, where mom picked me up, and the three of us will leave as soon as he shows up. tom better fucking be there. it's his mother, after all. i wish i had gone to see her and granddad last summer, like i planned to. too late, now. recap of everything when i get back.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

end of week 1. broke a window, worked in a kitchen for a few hours, got drunkish. washed the docks, tried to fix a leaking roof. took the bike into the boat. good ride. good roads. folks seem to think i'm suicidal though. the go into the oncoming lane to get away from me. got the next two days off. need to go do laundry. kishi bashi is excellent music, alternatively soothing and exciting. mucho dance-ablity.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

daaaaaaaaay 2. it's interesting here. currently i'm removing deck nails and replacing bungs (wooden plugs that cover the deck nails). food is expensive. cigarettes even more so. i won't be buying another pack while i'm here. i have my pipe to hold me over. i'm staying in the crew house, with steve and emily. good folks. hopefully i'l be riding my bike again soon, the roads here are fantastic, the drivers, not so much. there is literally no stop light, just a flashing yellow and red thing at the one intersection. it is cold here, but it doesn't bother me as much as usual. go figure.